📄️ SM5301
工作室 I (Studio I)
📄️ SM5302
工作室 II (Studio II)
📄️ SM5303
科技未来:元宇宙、人工智能与区块链的批判性探讨 (Technofutures: Critical Approaches to the Metaverse, AI, and Blockchain)
📄️ SM5306
电影艺术工作坊 (Cinematic Arts Workshop)
📄️ SM5307
数字媒体与动态影像 (Digital Media and Moving Images)
📄️ SM5308
艺术与技术 (Art and Technology)
📄️ SM5312
互动媒体 I (Interactive Media I)
📄️ SM5313
互动媒体 II (Interactive Media II)
📄️ SM5315
独立研究 I (Independent Study I)
📄️ SM5316
媒体艺术主题 I (Topics in Media Art I)
📄️ SM5317
数字声音与计算机音乐 (Digital Sound and Computer Music)
📄️ SM5318
媒体历史与理论主题 I (Topics in Media History and Theory I)
📄️ SM5323
媒体历史与理论主题 II (Topics in Media History and Theory II)
📄️ SM5325
媒体与文化研究导论 (Introduction to Media and Cultural Studies)
📄️ SM5326
流行媒体中的性别 (Gender in Popular Media)
📄️ SM5327
中国电影 (Chinese Cinema)
📄️ SM5329
艺术管理与策展 (Arts Management and Curatorship)
📄️ SM5332
实物计算基础:让物体闪烁与移动 (Making Things Blip, Blink & Move: Introduction to Physical Computing)
📄️ SM5333
新电影原型设计:动态影像的未来 (Prototyping New Cinema: The Future Moving Image)
📄️ SM5334
社交媒体批评:技术、美学与文化 (Social Media Criticism: Technology, Aesthetics, and Culture)
📄️ SM5335
新媒体艺术的考古学 (Archaeology of New Media Art)
📄️ SM5336
信息时代的艺术:创意行为、艺术对象与美学感知 (Art in the Information Age: Creative Act, Art Object, Aesthetic Perception)
📄️ SM5337
超越人类世的美学 (Aesthetics Beyond the Anthropocene)
📄️ SM5339
艺术与行动主义游戏工作坊 (Art and Activist Games Workshop)
📄️ SM5343
法律、政策与全球媒体平台 (Law, Policies and Global Media Platforms)
📄️ SM5344
抽象与实验动画 (Abstract and Experimental Animation)
📄️ SM5345
数字流程导论:从创意计算到制造 (Introduction to Digital Processes: From Creative Computation to Fabrication)
📄️ SM5346
互动专题 (Topics in Interactive)
📄️ SM5347
媒体世界化专题 (Topics in Media Worlding)
📄️ SM5348
创意媒体策展 (Curating Creative Media)
📄️ SM5349
分布式策展 (Distributed Curation)
📄️ SM6300
毕业项目 - 工作坊 I (Thesis Project - Studio I)
📄️ SM6302
毕业项目 - 工作坊 II (Thesis Project - Studio II)
📄️ SM6305
媒体艺术:理论与实践 I (Media Art: Theory and Practice I)
📄️ SM6310
独立研究 II (Independent Study II)
📄️ SM6311
媒体艺术专题 II (Topics in Media Art II)
📄️ SM6316
媒体艺术:理论与实践 II (Media Art: Theory & Practice II)
📄️ SM6317
媒体研究中的研究项目 (Research Project in Media Studies)
📄️ SM6319
艺术与文化中的隐私与监控 (Privacy and Surveillance in Art and Culture)
📄️ SM6322
艺术市场:交易、行动与分析 (The Art Market: Transaction, Activism, Analysis)
📄️ SM6323
批判游戏学:游戏、可玩性与新媒体艺术 (Critical Ludology: Games, Playability and New Media Art)
📄️ SM6324
感官民族志:批判与创意实践 (Sensory Ethnography: Critical and Creative Practices)
📄️ SM6325
技术哲学与新媒体 (Philosophy of Technology and New Media)
📄️ SM6328
计算机游戏的分析与批评 (Analysis and Criticism of Computer Games)
📄️ SM6329
展览的历史与制作 (History and Making of Exhibitions)
📄️ SM6331
策展中的数字媒体 (Digital Media for Curating)
📄️ SM6332
计算机游戏与社会 (Computer Games and Society)
📄️ SM6333
世界创生:面向偶发系统的艺术策略 (World Making: Artistic Strategies for Contingent Systems)
📄️ SM6341
独立纪录片制作 (Independent Documentary Production)
📄️ SM6342
跨文化协作——港瑞国际交流项目 (Transcultural Collaboration—A Hong Kong-Swiss International Exchange Project)
📄️ SM6343
媒体艺术协作专题 (Collaborative Topics in Media Art)
📄️ SM6344
技术与美学 (Technology and Aesthetics)
📄️ SM6345
媒体文化理论与实践夏季研讨 (Media Cultures Theory × Practice Summer Seminar)
📄️ SM6346
社交媒体、美学与策展 (Social Media, Aesthetics, and Curation)
📄️ SM6347
去中心化策展的协议与技术 (Protocols and Techniques for Decentralised Curation)
📄️ SM6348
解剖时尚 (Under the Skin of Fashion)