📄️ PIA5000
研究生实习 (Postgraduate Internship)
📄️ PIA5001
发展研究中的理论与方法 (Theories and Approaches in Development Studies)
📄️ PIA5003
发展项目的规划与管理 (Project Planning and Management for Development)
📄️ PIA5021
亚洲区域治理 (Asian Regional Governance)
📄️ PIA5023
国际政治经济学 (International Political Economy)
📄️ PIA5025
国际研究理论 (Theory in International Studies)
📄️ PIA5026
社会科学的研究设计 (Research Design for the Social Sciences)
📄️ PIA5031
安全研究 (Security Studies)
📄️ PIA5032
东亚的威权韧性与民主变革 (Authoritarian Resilience and Democratic Change in East Asia)
📄️ PIA5038
亚洲与世界的环境挑战 (Environmental Challenges in Asia and the World)
📄️ PIA5039
亚洲的人权 (Human Rights in Asia)
📄️ PIA5040
金砖国家与新兴全球秩序 (BRIC Countries and the Emerging Global Order)
📄️ PIA5041
亚洲与国际研究专题 (Special Topics in Asian and International Studies)
📄️ PIA5044
宗教与发展 (Religion and Development)
📄️ PIA5045
东北亚的国际关系 (International Relations of Northeast Asia)
📄️ PIA5048
中国与发展中国家 (China and the Developing World)
📄️ PIA5049
国际组织 (International Organisations)
📄️ PIA5051
亚洲的女性与政治 (Women and Politics in Asia)
📄️ PIA5057
可持续发展的协作治理 (Collaborative Governance for Sustainability)
📄️ PIA5058
可持续性的基础设施与测量 (Sustainability Infrastructures and Measurements)
📄️ PIA5059
食物治理与可持续发展 (Food Governance and Sustainable Development)
📄️ PIA5100
可持续发展的管理 (Managing Sustainable Development)
📄️ PIA5101
政府与公共行政理论 (Theories of Government and Public Administration)
📄️ PIA5300
亚洲发展中国家的政治与社会运动 (Politics and Social Movements in Developing Asia)
📄️ PIA5301
公共机构与组织管理 (Managing Public Institutions and Organizations)
📄️ PIA5304
发展政策与倡导 (Development Policy and Advocacy)
📄️ PIA5308
性别与发展 (Gender and Development)
📄️ PIA5312
亚洲的比较发展 (Comparative Development in Asia)
📄️ PIA5336
晚期资本主义下的前沿发展案例 (Cutting-edge Cases in Development under Late Capitalism)
📄️ PIA5338
印度尼西亚的政治与社会 (Indonesia: Politics and Society)
📄️ PIA5339
劳工、可持续发展与发展 (Labour, Sustainability and Development)
📄️ PIA5340
中国的基础设施发展 (Infrastructure Development in China)
📄️ PIA5401
公共政策中的价值与选择 (Values and Choice in Public Policy)
📄️ PIA5500
现代大都市的理解 (Understanding the Modern Metropolis)
📄️ PIA5504
亚洲大都市:城市管理问题 (The Asian Metropolis: Issues in Urban Management)
📄️ PIA5509
城市管理工作坊:探索当代城市 (The Urban Management Workshop: Exploring the Contemporary City)
📄️ PIA5510
智能城市的理解与管理 (Understanding and Managing Smart Cities)
📄️ PIA5511
可持续发展与发展专题 (Special Topics for Development and Sustainability)
📄️ PIA5601
政策过程与分析 (Policy Processes and Analysis)
📄️ PIA5603
公共政策与管理的独立项目 (Independent Project for Public Policy and Management)
📄️ PIA5605
公共政策与管理的数据分析 (Data Analytics for Public Policy and Management)
📄️ PIA5701
比较与国际住房与城市政策 (Comparative and International Housing and Urban Policy)
📄️ PIA5702
住房与城市研究中的金融与经济学 (Finance and Economics in Housing and Urban Studies)
📄️ PIA5703
当代住房与城市管理问题 (Contemporary Issues of Housing and Urban Management)
📄️ PIA5704
住房管理人员的建筑服务系统与维护 (Building Services Systems and Maintenance for Housing)
📄️ PIA5708
中国政治的关键问题 (Key Issues in Chinese Politics)
📄️ PIA5710
中国的国家与市场 (State and Market in China)
📄️ PIA5711
中国的环境治理 (Environmental Governance in China)
📄️ PIA5716
大中华地区的治理 (Governance in the Greater China Region)
📄️ PIA5800
研究生实习 (PIA Postgraduate Internship)
📄️ PIA5802
MAPPM 行动报告 (MAPPM Action Report)
📄️ PIA5803
MAPPM 海外学习 (MAPPM Overseas Study)
📄️ PIA6015
硕士论文 (Master’s Thesis)
📄️ PIA6018
MAIS 结题项目 (MAIS Capstone Project)
📄️ PIA6019
DS 结题项目 (DS Capstone Project)
📄️ PIA6020
SSP 结题项目 (SSP Capstone Project)
📄️ PIA6021
硕士论文 (Masters Thesis)
📄️ PIA6201
比较公共政策 (Comparative Public Policy)
📄️ PIA6202
基于证据的政策与实践 (Evidence-based Policy and Practice)
📄️ PIA6203
公共政策中的行为洞察 (Behavioral Insights in Public Policy)
📄️ PIA6204
公共政策与管理的统计分析 (Statistical Analysis for Public Policy and Management)
📄️ PIA6205
公共政策实践 (Practice in Public Policy)
📄️ PIA6302
公共预算与财务资源管理 (Public Budgeting and the Management of Financial Resources)
📄️ PIA6303
比较公共部门管理 (Comparative Public Sector Management)
📄️ PIA6304
公共人力资源管理 (Public Human Resource Management)
📄️ PIA6305
公共管理实践 (Practice in Public Management)
📄️ PIA6306
公共战略规划与管理 (Public Strategic Planning and Management)
📄️ PIA6501
城市发展与可持续城市 (Urban Development and Sustainable Cities)
📄️ PIA6502
可持续发展:理论与政策 (Sustainable Development: Theory and Policy)
📄️ PIA6504
智慧城市管理实践 (Practice in Smart Cities Management)
📄️ PIA6505
可持续融资:政策与机制 (Financing Sustainability: Policy and Mechanisms)
📄️ PIA6603
公共政策与管理的研究方法 (Research Methods in Public Policy and Management)
📄️ PIA6604
MAPPM 结题项目 (MAPPM Capstone Project)
📄️ PIA6800
当代住房管理 (Contemporary Management for Housing Managers)
📄️ PIA6802
高级住房实践(及住宅) (Advanced Housing Practice (and Residential))
📄️ PIA6803
住房与城市管理的研究方法 (Research Methods for Housing and Urban Management)
📄️ PIA6804
MAHUM 结题项目 (MAHUM Capstone Project)
📄️ PIA6805
住房管理、地方政治与公共关系 (Housing Management, Local Politics and Public Relations)
📄️ PIA6903
MAPPM 论文 (MAPPM Dissertation)