📄️ CAH5622
中国语言文学选读 (Selected Readings in Chinese Language and Literature)
📄️ CAH5701
古典中国文学 (Classical Chinese Literature)
📄️ CAH5702
中国文献学 (Chinese Documentology)
📄️ CAH5703
现代与当代中国文学 (Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature)
📄️ CAH5704
中国文学批评 (Chinese Literary Criticism)
📄️ CAH5705
汉学选读 (Selected Readings in Sinology)
📄️ CAH5708
中国文学、历史与哲学名著 (Great Works of Chinese Literature, History and Philosophy)
📄️ CAH5708
中国文学、历史与哲学名著 (Great Works of Chinese Literature, History and Philosophy)
📄️ CAH5711
中国书面文字、文言文与东亚历史 (Chinese Written Characters, Literary Chinese, and East Asian History)
📄️ CAH5713
中国文化核心概念 (Essential Concepts in Chinese Culture)
📄️ CAH5722
中文创意写作 (Chinese Creative Writing)
📄️ CAH5731
香港文学与文化专题 (Special Topics in Hong Kong Literature and Culture)
📄️ CAH5732
中国文学中的性别视角 (Gender Perspective on Chinese Literature)
📄️ CAH5733
中国文学与宗教专题 (Special Topics in Chinese Literature and Religion)
📄️ CAH5734
博物馆专业写作 (Writing for Museum Professionals)
📄️ CAH5736
中国文学与美术 (Chinese Literature and Fine Arts)
📄️ CAH5737
敘事小說與當代華文文學 (Narrative Fiction and Contemporary Chinese Literature)
📄️ CAH5738
中國文學與歷史書寫中的歷史敘事 (Historical Narrative in Chinese Literature and History Writing)
📄️ CAH5739
中文电影与小说中的女性角色 (Women in Chinese-language Film and Fiction)
📄️ CAH5740
变化中的世界历史与历史文献 (History and Historical Sources in a Changing World)
📄️ CAH5741
中国文化遗产理论与实践 (Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices in China)
📄️ CAH5742
中国艺术批评与教育 (Chinese Art Criticism and Education)
📄️ CAH5743
粤剧:文本与表演 (Cantonese Opera: Texts and Performance)
📄️ CAH5744
中国博物馆学 (Museum Studies in China)
📄️ CAH5745
早期中国的考古与文明 (Archaeology and Civilization of Early China)
📄️ CAH5746
中国建筑、园林与世界遗产 (Chinese Architecture, Gardens, and World Heritage)
📄️ CAH5747
香港城市景观与遗产保护 (Hong Kong’s Urban Landscape and Heritage Preservation)
📄️ CAH5748
现代中国与香港 (Modern China and Hong Kong)
📄️ CAH5749
中国佛教思想史 (History of Chinese Buddhist Thought)
📄️ CAH5750
中国医学文化史 (Cultural History of Medicine in China)
📄️ CAH5751
中国文化史 (Chinese Cultural History)
📄️ CAH5752
从岭南到大湾区 (From Lingnan to the Greater Bay Area)
📄️ CAH5753
丝绸之路与中国对外关系史 (The Silk Road and the History of China’s Foreign Relations)
📄️ CAH5754
大中华地区的文化与创意产业 (Cultural and Creative Industries in Greater China)
📄️ CAH5797
中文语言与文学毕业项目 (Capstone Project in Chinese Language and Literature)
📄️ CAH5798
中国历史与文化遗产毕业项目 (Capstone Project in Chinese History and Cultural Heritage)
📄️ CAH6507
硕士论文 (Master’s Dissertation)
📄️ CAH6714
专业中文用途研讨 (Seminar on Chinese for Professional Purposes)