📄️ LW566
集中研讨会 (Intensive Seminar)
📄️ LW5303
商业合同 (Commercial Contracts)
📄️ LW5400
法律概念 (Legal Concepts)
📄️ LW5552
独立研究 (Independent Research)
📄️ LW5600
法学院生存技能研讨会 (Law School Survival Skills Workshop)
📄️ LW5601
香港法律体系 (Hong Kong Legal System)
📄️ LW5602A
合同法 I (Law of Contract I)
📄️ LW5602B
合同法 II (Law of Contract II)
📄️ LW5603A
侵权法 I (Law of Tort I)
📄️ LW5603B
侵权法 II (Law of Tort II)
📄️ LW5606A
刑法 I (Criminal Law I)
📄️ LW5606B
刑法 II (Criminal Law II)
📄️ LW5607A
土地法 I (Land Law I)
📄️ LW5607B
土地法 II (Land Law II)
📄️ LW5608
宪法 (Constitutional Law)
📄️ LW5610
行政法 (Administrative Law)
📄️ LW5611
中国私法 (Private Law of the PRC)
📄️ LW5612
法律实习 (Legal Placement)
📄️ LW5613
中国公法 (Public Law of the PRC)
📄️ LW5614
争议解决 (Dispute Resolution)
📄️ LW5615
保险法原理 (Principles of Insurance Law)
📄️ LW5616
证据法 (Law of Evidence)
📄️ LW5617
香港家庭法 (Family Law in Hong Kong)
📄️ LW5618
法律与性别 (Law and Gender)
📄️ LW5620
国际贸易规制 (International Trade Regulation)
📄️ LW5622
法律方法、研究与写作 (Legal Methods, Research and Writing)
📄️ LW5623
法律哲学与法律理论 (Jurisprudence and Legal Theory)
📄️ LW5624
香港的人权法与公民自由 (Law of Human Rights and Civil Liberties of Hong Kong)
📄️ LW5625
环境法 (Environmental Law)
📄️ LW5630A
权益与信托法 I (Equity and Trusts I)
📄️ LW5630B
权益与信托法 II (Equity and Trusts II)
📄️ LW5631
银行法 (Banking Law)
📄️ LW5632
国际金融法 (International Financial Law)
📄️ LW5634
公共国际法 (Public International Law)
📄️ LW5637
犯罪学 (Criminology)
📄️ LW5638
刑事司法 (Criminal Justice)
📄️ LW5641
知识产权:理论、版权与设计 (Intellectual Property: Theory, Copyright and Design)
📄️ LW5642
知识产权法:理论、专利与商标 (Intellectual Property Law: Theory, Patents and Trademarks)
📄️ LW5643
网络法 (Cyber Law)
📄️ LW5647
遗嘱法 (Law of Wills - Succession)
📄️ LW5649
国际辩论与辩护 (International Mooting & Advocacy)
📄️ LW5649
国际辩论与辩护 (International Mooting & Advocacy)
📄️ LW5656
公司法 I (Company Law I)
📄️ LW5657
公司法 II (Company Law II)
📄️ LW5664
欧洲竞争法与政策 (European Competition Law and Policy)
📄️ LW5661
企业的人权责任 (Human Rights Responsibilities of Business)
📄️ LW5662
集中研讨会 (Intensive Seminar)
📄️ LW5663
集中研讨会 (Intensive Seminar)
📄️ LW5664
欧洲竞争法与政策 (European Competition Law and Policy)
📄️ LW5665
航空法 (Aviation Law)
📄️ LW5666
调解 (Mediation)
📄️ LW5667
城市大学法学评论 (City University Law Review)
📄️ LW5669
香港劳动法 (Employment Law in Hong Kong)
📄️ LW5670
国际人权法 (International Human Rights Law)
📄️ LW5671
消费者法 (Consumer Law)
📄️ LW5672
信息法导论 (Introduction to Information Law)
📄️ LW5673
动物法与福利 (Animal Law and Welfare)
📄️ LW5674
全球法律教育与意识项目 (Global Legal Education and Awareness Project)
📄️ LW5678
法律与经济学导论 (Introduction to Law and Economics)
📄️ LW5680
海事法原理 (Principles of Maritime Law)
📄️ LW5681
比较合同法 (Comparative Contract Law)
📄️ LW6102E
普通法体系与方法导论 (Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology)
📄️ LW6103E
公司法 (Company Law)
📄️ LW6105E
跨境重组与破产法 (Cross-Border Restructuring and Insolvency)
📄️ LW6106E
比较公司治理 (Comparative Corporate Governance)
📄️ LW6107E
资本市场与证券监管 (Capital Markets and Securities Regulation)
📄️ LW6108E
国际金融:法律与监管 (International Finance: Law and Regulation)
📄️ LW6109E
银行与金融法 (Banking and Finance Law)
📄️ LW6113E
法律与技术 (Law and Technology)
📄️ LW6115E
中国知识产权法选论 (Selected Issues on Chinese IP Law)
📄️ LW6118E
娱乐法 (Entertainment Law)
📄️ LW6119E
宪法法 (Constitutional Law)
📄️ LW6121C
中国宪法与行政法 (Constitutional and Administrative Law of China)
📄️ LW6121E
中国宪法与行政法 (Constitutional and Administrative Law of China)
📄️ LW6122C
中外金融法比较 (Chinese and Comparative Financial Law)
📄️ LW6128E
并购法 (Mergers and Acquisitions)
📄️ LW6129C
中外环境法比较 (Chinese and Comparative Environmental Law)
📄️ LW6129E
中外环境法比较 (Chinese and Comparative Environmental Law)
📄️ LW6131C
东南亚法律体系 (Legal Systems in South East Asia)
📄️ LW6132E
比较法理论与实践 (Theory and Practice of Comparative Law)
📄️ LW6134E
中外公司法比较 (Chinese and Comparative Company Law)
📄️ LW6136C
中国财产权法:法律、经济与政策分析 (Property Rights in China: Legal, Economic, and Policy Analysis)
📄️ LW6137E
论文 (Dissertation)
📄️ LW6138C
中国义务法 (Chinese Law of Obligations)
📄️ LW6138E
中国与比较合同法 (Chinese and Comparative Contract Law)
📄️ LW6141E
中国对外贸易与投资法 (Chinese Foreign Trade and Investment Law)
📄️ LW6142E
国际投资法 (International Investment Law)
📄️ LW6142E
国际投资法 (International Investment Law)
📄️ LW6143E
国际税法 (International Taxation)
📄️ LW6144C
国际贸易法 (International Trade Law)
📄️ LW6144E
世界贸易法 (World Trade Law)
📄️ LW6145E
经济全球化的法律问题 (Legal Problems of Economic Globalisation)
📄️ LW6146C
跨国公司法 (Transnational Corporate Law)
📄️ LW6148E
法律与技术:理论与应用 (Law and Technology: Theory and Application)
📄️ LW6150E
中国与比较商业秘密法 (Chinese and Comparative Trade Secrets Law)
📄️ LW6152E
网络治理与法律 (Cyber Governance and Law)
📄️ LW6160C
反倾销与反补贴措施的高级研究 (Advanced Study of Antidumping and Countervailing Measures)
📄️ LW6160E
投资者-国家争端解决 (Investor-State Dispute Settlement)
📄️ LW6161C
中国与比较竞争法 (Chinese and Comparative Competition Law)
📄️ LW6161E
比较竞争法:中港美 (Comparative Competition Law: China, HKSAR and the US)
📄️ LW6164E
合同法 (Law of Contract)
📄️ LW6165E
侵权法 (Law of Tort)
📄️ LW6167E
国际经济法与国际关系 (International Economic Law and Relations)
📄️ LW6172E
中国的法律与社会 (Law and Society in China)
📄️ LW6173C
私法国际法 (Private International Law)
📄️ LW6173E
私法国际法:数字经济中的基本原理与高级应用 (Private International Law: Basic Principles and Advanced Application in the Digital Economy)
📄️ LW6177E
商业中的衡平法与信托法应用 (Commercial Application of Equity and Trusts)
📄️ LW6181E
普通法体系、推理与方法论 (Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology)
📄️ LW6195E
国际与比较版权、设计与相关权法 (International and Comparative Law of Copyright, Designs and Allied Rights)
📄️ LW6196E
国际与比较商标与专利法 (International and Comparative Law of Trade Marks and Patents)
📄️ LW6198E
知识产权:法律、实践与程序 (Intellectual Property: Law, Practice and Procedure)
📄️ LW6199E
知识产权的商业化 (Commercialisation of Intellectual Property)
📄️ LW6401
争议解决理论与实践 (Dispute Resolution in Theory and Practice)
📄️ LW6402
程序与证据 (Procedure and Proof)
📄️ LW6405
仲裁法 (Arbitration Law)
📄️ LW6406
调解实践 (Mediation Practice)
📄️ LW6407
仲裁实践与裁决书写 (Arbitration Practice and Award Writing)
📄️ LW6408
国际仲裁 (International Arbitration)
📄️ LW6409A
论文写作 (Dissertation)
📄️ LW6409B
高级裁决书写 (Advanced Award Writing)
📄️ LW6415
议价与调解倡导 (Negotiation and Mediation Advocacy)
📄️ LW6418
在线争议解决 (Online Dispute Resolution)
📄️ LW6420
国际冲突分析、预防与解决 (International Conflict Analysis, Prevention, and Resolution)
📄️ LW6423
建筑法与争议解决 (Construction Law and Dispute Resolution)
📄️ LW6959
能源与环境法 (Energy and Environmental Law)
📄️ PLE5012
转让实务 (Conveyancing Practice)
📄️ PLE5013
企业与商业实务 (Corporate and Commercial Practice)
📄️ PLE5015
职业操守与实务 (Professional Conduct and Practice)
📄️ PLE5016
遗嘱与遗产实务 (Wills and Probate Practice)
📄️ PLE5018
民事诉讼实务 (Civil Litigation Practice)
📄️ PLE5019
刑事诉讼实务 (Criminal Litigation Practice)
📄️ PLE5020
律师课程 (Bar Course)
📄️ PLE5022
与中国大陆相关的法律交易基础 (Foundations in Mainland Related Legal Transactions)
📄️ PLE5026
金融监管实务 (Financial Regulatory Practice)
📄️ PLE5027
家庭法实务 (Family Law Practice)
📄️ PLE5028
个人伤害实务 (Personal Injuries Practice)
📄️ PLE5029
法律实务中文 (Chinese for Legal Practice)
📄️ PLE5031
法律与技术 (Law and Technology)
📄️ PLE5032
企业融资法律实务 (Corporate Fundraising for Lawyers)
📄️ PLE5050
中间审理辩护与面试 (Interlocutory Advocacy and Interviewing)
📄️ PLE5051
调解与谈判 (Mediation and Negotiation)
📄️ PLE5052
审判辩护 (Trial Advocacy)
📄️ PLE5054
商业写作与起草 (Commercial Writing and Drafting)