📄️ PH5101
健康经济学与成果研究导论 (Introduction to Health Economics and Outcomes Research)
📄️ PH5105
公共卫生中的基础生物统计学 (Basic Biostatistics in Public Health)
📄️ PH5106
公共卫生流行病学基础 (Fundamentals of Epidemiology in Public Health)
📄️ PH6201
高级流行病学 (Advanced Epidemiology)
📄️ PH6202
传染病流行病学 (Infectious Disease Epidemiology)
📄️ PH6203
应用公共卫生项目 (Applied Public Health Projects)
📄️ PH6204
公共卫生监测 (Public Health Surveillance)
📄️ PH6205
One Health 的中级统计学 (Intermediate Level Statistics for One Health)
📄️ PH6206
实习 (Practicum)
📄️ PH8001
计算生物学、实验设计与数据科学 (Computational Biology, Experimental Design and Data Science)
📄️ PH8003
沟通技能:会议组织 (Communication Skills - Conference Organisation)